Description: It is a sparingly branched shrublet with a thick, knobby, tuberculate stem and succulent leaves crowded at the branch tips.
Stem: Woody, warty up to 50(-100) cm tall, main stem up to 6 cm in diameter, younger branches greenish approx 1,5 cm in diameter densely covered with urn-shaped, greenish-yellow phyllopodia 15 x 3 x 2 mm long with an acute oblique tip.
Leaves: Narrow, thin, paddle-shaped, tapperig toward the apex, yellowish green with a reddish mucro. appearing in winter and dying off in summer (absent at flowering) dropping off cleanly.
Seeds: Extremely small, weighting about 0,03 mg. These small seeds (also known as dust diaspores) can be blown about like dust particles without any special devices for buoyancy. In this species,
Stem: Woody, warty up to 50(-100) cm tall, main stem up to 6 cm in diameter, younger branches greenish approx 1,5 cm in diameter densely covered with urn-shaped, greenish-yellow phyllopodia 15 x 3 x 2 mm long with an acute oblique tip.
Leaves: Narrow, thin, paddle-shaped, tapperig toward the apex, yellowish green with a reddish mucro. appearing in winter and dying off in summer (absent at flowering) dropping off cleanly.
Seeds: Extremely small, weighting about 0,03 mg. These small seeds (also known as dust diaspores) can be blown about like dust particles without any special devices for buoyancy. In this species,